// #5 Newsletter of the CVE Project
The last edition of the CVE Newsletter provides an overview of the achievements of this European Project. Learn how you can access all the information!
Fifth newsletter in Portuguese
// #4 Newsletter of the CVE Project
We are pleased to invite you to the CVE Final Conference that will take place on the 5th of September, at the Liceu Alexandre Herculano premises in Porto. Don´t miss it!
Forth newsletter in Portuguese
// #3 Newsletter of the CVE Project
Do you want to know all about the Pilots and the upcoming activities of the CVE project? Don´t miss the 3rd issue of the CVE project newsletter!
Third newsletter in Portuguese
//#2 Newsletter of the CVE Project has been released!
Do not miss out all the interesting activities and results about the CVE project. Check your newsletter right now and learn more about what has been going on in the world of secondary schools and work.
Please select the second newsletter in your national language:
Second newsletter in Portuguese
// First edition of the CVE Newsletter
The CVE partnership has announced the launch of a regular Newsletter intended to keep the many stakeholders and interested parties informed about the progress and results of the project.
The first edition introduces readers to the CVE project and the forthcoming issues will provide further information on the project activities and give more detail about the Training Course for teachers and other school staff.
If you would like to receive notifications about the future editions of the CVE newsletter by e-mail, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Please select the first edition of the CVE newsletter in your national language:
First newsletter in Portuguese
// CVE Brochure
If you would like to receive the CVE Brochure by post or e-mail, please contact us.