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The results of the CVE project are ready for you!

The CVE partnership offers these materials free of charge, and with no  copyright restriction, in the hope that it will prove useful for  teachers and schools management. We ask only that users please reference  our work when the materials are used, and please send us an  acknowledgement, and ideally examples of the new uses, to CVE project.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the CVE project coordinator, Mrs. Maria Francuz

Thank you!


Below, you will find the links for the Education system reports of each of the countries of the CVE consortium. All of these reports are taken from Eurypedia.

Eurypedia is a new Eurydice product and aims at presenting the most accurate picture of national education systems across Europe. Whether you are looking for understanding a specific education system or for analyzing an education issue at European level, Eurypedia will provide you with the most exhaustive information on 38 school and university systems.

The Education Reports:


CVE Handbook

How to involve the Corporate Volunteers into the School Life?


Needs Analysis Report

Secondary School Partnerships: The role of business


Good Practices of Corporate Volunteering for Schools Database:


CVE Training Kit

On Moodle you can find the CVE Training Kit.


CVE Project Logo:

FaLang translation system by Faboba